Friday, September 28, 2007

ah, friday.

Normally, I should be in my geography class right now on fridays. heh. Obviously, I'm not. I'm sitting here at my desk, in my pajamas, blogging. Activities as of this morning; woke up, brushed my teeth, continued my letter to Justin Turner (who is serving in Columbus Ohio) and upon realizing my internet was finally up, checked up on blogs, (I'm so jealous the Garrards are going camping) and now I'm updating.

To answer Daniel's question, I'm sure Mike would love for me to tell him "you're the only one for me," "no one even compares to you," "don't worry about the wait, I'll be right here when you come back..." but I also think he really wants to know about my dating life so that he can be aware of what's going on, vs. no news and all the suddenly, "I'm engaged! Surprise!" But, I do try to slip in little assurances here and there without being distracting. Little assurances like a scrapbook, brownies and a tape! Which, turns out, he finally got on wednesday. (I'm sure the brownies are disgusting rocks by now.) He wrote me a VERY short email telling me that his mission president would be bringing it by for apartment interviews and that he was going to Wal-Mart to get a tape player so he could listen to the tape. Hopefully I'll hear just how much he loved it in a letter today or tomorrow.

Andrea is having her baby today. Her Doctor is going out of town for two weeks on Tuesday, so they decided to get induced today so her doctor could deliver the baby. Her name is going to be Karalee Jo Lemmon. Named after 3 of her aunts, Karalyn, Loralee and me, Jo. Yes, I get the middle name all to myself. SO, while others will be calling her Karalee, she will be nothing but Karalee Jo to me. So please, keep Andrea in your prayers today, we'd all appreciate it. I'M SO EXCITED FOR A NEW BABY!!!

Also, I've discovered (well, Hannah's homecoming date discovered) a group called Tally Hall, and I love them! They sound a bit like Queen. You should check them out, they're really good.

Work was fun again last night. Men's Soccer always is. I had a guy come a little late and as I approached him to check him in, I noticed he had about a weeks worth of a beard, and since BYU intramurals goes by the honor code, he was going to have to shave. Here was the conversation.

Me: Hi, I'll need to see your id (and upon seeing his face) oh, and you'll need to shave before I can check you in.
Guy: Which do you need first?
Me: I can't check you in until you've shaved
Guy: K, I'm just going to run to my car to get my id (totally nice guy)
meanwhile, one of his teammates finds a shaver and is waiting for him.
Guy comes back: ok, so why do I have to shave? (with an attitude now)
Me: Because it's the Honor code and I can't let you play without shaving.
(it's supposed to be clean shaven, but if I can tell they've shaved within the last 24 hours or so, I generally let it pass. This was not the situation)
Guy: well what if I'm not even taking any classes this semester?
Me: This is still BYU intramurals, and you're playing on a BYU intramural team, and we play by the BYU honor code which says you have to be clean shaven.
Guy: Well I would understand if I was going to a class or taking a test (testing center has the same situation)
(Meanwhile, Tristan, the other supervisor, comes over asks what the problem is, I tell him and he explains the exact same thing I explained to this guy)
Guy: (to Tristan) well you aren't clean shaven
Tristan and me: I/He shaved this morning.
Guy: well fine, but it's the way she approached me with the whole situation
Me: How did I approach you. (aka, what the crap! are you kidding me? tell me you're kidding)
Guy: you said it like the first thing...
Me: Because it is the first thing you need to do and I can't check you in if you are not clean shaven.
Guy: Fine, I don't want to give you guys a hard time, but this is rediculous. I can't believe you're telling me I have to shave before I can play.
(meanwhile, his teammate is standing there with the shaver telling him to just shave)
Me: It's your choice, you don't have to shave if you don't want to play.
Guy: well I think I'm just going to sit out this time then, I can't believe you're being so rediculous about this
Tristan: (as he's walking away) I can't believe that you aren't going to play just so you don't have to shave.

And then the guy sits on our supply bin, like he's making some sort of a statement. What I don't understand is why people can't just comply with the rules. I mean, it's not that hard to shave that day, let alone when someone in shoving a shaver in your hand. He was just trying to be difficult. I love it when that happens.

So, I think I'm going to shower and get ready for the day now. Perhaps finish my letter to Justin and then mail off his and Cj's, which I finished yesterday. Tonight's my night off. Yay. More baby time. I'm excited.


The RealFatman said...

OK So you kinda answered my question I think? So you will wait for him as long as something doesn't happen in the middle?? Like some clean shaven guy asks you out? Ok I could not help it that was perfect.

Beth said...

Yeahhhh, I just wonder where that rebelliousness will take him in life. It would be interesting to check in on him in about 20 years.

Loralee said...

I miss Jo...but I do not miss intramurals. Muahaha. And I told you that this was going to be a good idea! After you work for intramurals for a few semesters you'll become more of a blue-red personality than you'd think. Just you wait! You think you're sweet now...