Thursday, September 13, 2007

mike's email

It was a good email. I wasn't expecting to hear anything for another week and a halfish or so, so that was a pleasant surprise. SO, for all of you who read it, I have one question. The part at the end that says, "packages are nice too, (JULINA!!)" do we think that means he got my package just fine, or he has expected one from me before now and hasn't gotten it? Thoughts?


Erin said...

Uhhh...what email??? I'm jealous! I'm sure he got your package, your cousin would know if it didn't make it to him, right? If you have his new address can you email it to me at Thanks!!! And really I keep thinking about the missed phone call the other day. At least now you have a recording of him on your phone (I'm assuming you haven't deleted that voicemail) that you can replay for yourself when you need a pick-me-up!

Beth said...

Would it have hurt to just TELL us the town he's in???? Boys! It's hard to tell about the comment. I'm leaning toward the he-got-it side.

Stac said...

I think he probably got it. He was probably saying it like holy-crap-Julina-that-was-an-awesome-package.

barlows said...

After thinking it through, I agree with Stacy. Let us know when he tells you how much he loves it.