Ok all. Here's the deal. I'm speaking in Sacrament meeting this Sunday, May 10th, Mother's Day, at 1:00 in the Tropicana Ward in the Tropicana Chapel. I realize that Mothers day is a tough day to take time away from family, but think of it this way; if both you and your Mother live in Vegas, you'll see them fairly often. This is the last chance you'll get to see me... so, in my opinion, your mothers can spare you for a few hours. Just be sure to get her a really good present and tell her you love her very much and all should be forgiven. There will be an openhouse hooplah at my house starting at 6:30 pm. Delicious desserts will be there. All are welcome (preferably if I know you) to stop by. If you have any questions or need directions, comment below and I'll answer as quickly as I can.
Soon to be Sister Hastings.
Sunday, May 3, 2009
Posted by Julina at 11:11 PM 2 comments
Wednesday, April 8, 2009
I am lazy
ok, so because I don't want to spend forever typing what we did all weekend, I'll just upload pictures and maybe the story will come later.
Posted by Julina at 10:31 AM 2 comments
Tuesday, March 24, 2009
S'pose I might as well...
So, once upon a time, I did something weird on facebook and now everything from this blog is automatically transferred to my notes there. I couldn't tell you how I did it, even though I consider myself fairly computer savey. I suppose some poking around wouldn't hurt, but I don't really care enough to try. Anyways, I tell you this because even though there are only 4 comments on the last post, someone commented on this from facebook, thus I have my 5. Congrats to Hannah Belanger, Pookie the Pookstar England, Angie Larkin, Loralee Warner, and Beth Garrard. I think I know what I'm going to make, I just have to go get supplies. Here's a hint... Pookie will get something completely different because he's a boy. Anyways... nothing too exciting is happening up here in Provo... School is tedious and I just want to get out of here. 49 days to go...
Posted by Julina at 10:27 PM 0 comments
Monday, March 16, 2009
Pay attention kids!
Here is the deal: The first five people to comment on this post will get something made by me.
My choice.
For you.
This offer does have some restrictions and limitations:
1- I make no guarantees that you will like what I make.
2- What I make will be just for you.
3- It'll be done this year.
4- You have no clue what it's going to be. It may be a story. It may be photography, I may sew or paint or bake something. Who knows? Not you, that's for sure!
5- I reserve the right to do something extremely creative.
The catch? Oh, the catch is that you must re-post this on your own blog and offer the same deal to 5 of your own lucky blog readers. So, the first 5 people to leave a comment telling me they are in, win a FAB-U-LOUS homemade gift by me! Oh, and be sure to post a picture of what you win when you get it.
I got this from a friend of a friend, Ana Lee. I was number three to comment on her blog so, I should be good for something extremely creative!
Posted by Julina at 12:35 PM 4 comments
Friday, February 27, 2009
And the winner is...
So, I suppose it might be helpful to finally let y'all know that I'll be serving in the Houston Texas Mission, Spanish speaking. I'll report to the MTC on May 13th. I'm totally psyched. Today, we went to get my first El Libro De Mormon and my Temple Dress. As soon as I get my recommend, (which will hopefully be very soon) I'll be taking a little road trip down to Vegas to take out my endowments.
The only thing left then would be to announce the winners. The Grand Poo-bah winner of them all would have to be Scott Haynie who guessed "Southern Texas Spanish Speaking"... can't get much closer than that. Silver and Bronze go to Nathan Robinson and Laura Cutler who guessed "El Paso, Texas" and "Texas" respectively. So guys, come claim your prizes; any candy, cookie, brownie, baked-good of your choice... just let me know and I'll get on it. (If there's a specific recipe you're looking for, you'll have to forward that along too, or I can look it up on the internet or something.) I'm too tired to update on much else, but if there's any questions, just comment them and I'll let you know!
Posted by Julina at 11:51 PM 8 comments
Thursday, February 26, 2009
Dude... seriously, if you want in on the baked goods action, you'd best be making your last minute guesses now. Any guesses made after 8:30 (Mountain Standard Time) will not be accepted in the raffle. K, If you live in Utah County and would like to come, I'll be opening it tonight, THURSDAY at 8:30 pm in the game room at Roman Garden Apartments. The address is 1060 E. 450 N. Provo, 84606
Posted by Julina at 3:26 PM 4 comments
Tuesday, February 17, 2009
Guess Where?
So my paperwork is officially in SLC. I met with my stake president on Sunday (which was good, but intense) and he basically said I’m good to go. It was a long interview too, probably about half an hour. He said there might be a slight hiccup with the mission department because of something on my medical history, so we talked about getting a letter from my doctor, just to say that I’m perfectly fine to go wherever and do whatever.
On Monday morning, I got a call from my Stake President saying that as he was entering the information from my paperwork into the computer, he read what my Bishop had said and thought about what I had said and decided that he was going to send the information in as it is. He said that I should still go ahead and try to get the letter from my doctor so that if Salt Lake needed more information that we could then send the letter in whenever I got it, but why wait if we don’t need to type of a thing. He’s going to be released in 2 weeks (he said I’m his last missionary) and wants to push this through as quickly as possible. SO, this is where I am in the whole process. I’m at the delightful stage of waiting without being able to do anything about it.
To pass the time of boredom and complete lack of anything interesting to do, I’m taking guesses on where people think I might go on this grand and exciting mission of mine. I have a map at my apartment with pins to mark the guesses. As an incentive, I’ll send the winner a really good homemade treat. (I’m a poor college kid about to go on a mission here folks, this is about the best I can do.) If you have kids, they can guess too and if they are too little to eat treats, well hey, it’s like 2 guesses for you… 2 chances to win (example, Cameron Taylor Warner is too little for sweet rolls/cookies/no bakes/brownies… So, congrats to Loralee who gets to guess twice.) Anyways, there you have it. Happy hypothesizing.
Posted by Julina at 10:16 PM 17 comments
Sunday, February 1, 2009
25 Random Things
Once you've been tagged, you are supposed to write a note with 25 random things, facts, habits, or goals about you. At the end, choose 25 people to be tagged. You have to tag the person who tagged you. If I tagged you, it's because I want to know more about you.
1) I have a fish named Mr. Bingley. He is 14 months old. He's lived through the trauma of going down the disposal, being out of the water for about 5 minutes, and being rescued by 2 metal spoons.
2) I was the first person to finish my pajama pants in my sewing class.
3) I have never colored my hair. I love the color of my hair and have never wanted to change it.
4) I feel naked without earrings on. It is the one piece of jewelry that I always have on unless I'm sleeping.
5) I have to fall asleep on my stomach with one leg hitched up, on arm under my pillow and the other hand tucking the blankets under my chin.
6) I'm kind of a clean freak. I never thought I was, (and maybe I wasn't,) until I lived in the apartment where I am now. Clutter really bothers me and I have to vaccuum the carpet every couple of days or I feel like the apartment is really dirty.
7) I have really big and noticeable blood veins in my eyes.
8) My right foot is slightly smaller/shorter than my left. I have spacers in a lot of my right foot heels.
9) It takes a LOT of self-restraint for me to resist sales. I am SUCH a sucker for sales. It doesn't even matter what's being sold, if it's a good sale, I'm there.
10) My favorite tv shows are dancing competitions; So you think you can dance, Dancing with the stars, America's best dance crew...
11) I could read the Harry Potter books over and over without ever getting tired of them. I love developing new theories based on whatever new facts I've found.
12) I dry-shave my legs. Yes, it's exactly what it sounds like. I shave my legs dry right after my shower. I don't get razor burn, and I always cut myself when I use shaving creme. It's quicker and more acurate for me...
13) I have 2 recipes memorized. No-bake cookies and Caramel Brownies. I make them whenever I think of any reason to.
14) I cried during my first fire drill in Kindergarten because my house was just a street and a house away. I was afraid that my mom and little sister would be in danger from the fire because we lived so close to the school. I suppose I didn't know what "drill" meant.
15) I have only ever won one trophy in my life. It was for an art contest in the second grade. It was the best day ever... of second grade.
16) Sundays are my favorite day of the week. I love everything about Sundays. I love going to church, I love coming home and taking a nap on the couch with my plush pillow and beloved blanket whilst ( :) ) watching a Disney movie. I love wearing my flirty apron over my church outfit and making food barefoot in the kitchen. I love people coming over to play games and talk not doing homework because it is the sabbath. I love sundays.
17) Dashboard Confessional is probably my favorite band. They are good and great and wonderful.
19) I also love Michael Buble. He is pretty great.
20) My little sister Karalyn stole my baby blanket when we were really little. She still denies it to this day, but I have photo evidence.
21) Not only am I a Lord of the Rings Fanatic, I can quote the Appendicies... heck yes.
22) I am a certified rappelling instructor.
23) I drink a slim fast every morning for breakfast. It's gross, but quick, easy, and effective.
24) I am one of the few girls my age that I know who is completely happy with my appearance.
25) I am going on a mission. I have started my papers and I'll probably get my call in about 3-4 weeks. I'm SO EXCITED!!! (If you know Mike Garrard, Holden Latimer, Colton Wood, Cj Huntsman, or Justin Turner, don't tell them. I have my own secret plans for letting them know all about it.)
Posted by Julina at 12:10 AM 6 comments
Tuesday, January 27, 2009
I have a problem.
Every one of these shoes you see here has been purchased within the last 5 months. I don't know how it happened, but I have very suddenly become a shoe fanatic. That's 13 pairs people!! 5 months... I am, however, pleased to say that 10 of the 13 were under $25. As for the other 3, mom (or rather, dad) bought them for me. I love them, and they love me. Usually. They really don't love me if it's the first time I'm wearing them and I'm walking all over campus all day. So... yeah. I have a problem.
There is hope, however. They say the first step to recovery from an addiction is recognizing the problem. I do recognize that I am very poor and were it not for these shoes I'd be quite a bit better off financially speaking. So, no more shoes. At least for a while. I'll keep you updated on my progress.
Posted by Julina at 1:07 PM 4 comments
Monday, January 26, 2009
Today was a good day.
Mostly. And it shouldn’t have been, which is odd. I accidently took a 3 hour nap yesterday and therefore didn’t sleep well at all last night. But I woke up early so I could go to church early for ward choir practice. I sat by Dan Alletto in Gospel Doctrine. That was pretty exciting. After church, my home teachers, Jj Weidner and Steven something (he’s new) came by to home teach. They’re really cool and I like them a lot. They’re way easy to talk to and get along with. Directly after HTers, I went to Choir Practice in the game room. We’ll be singing “Prayer is the heart’s sincerest desire…” or something like that… It’s a pretty cool song, going from singing unison to breaking in 8 parts. It should be really pretty after we’ve worked on it for a few more weeks. Directly after CP, there was a Relief Society Leadership Training meeting. As the RS Publicist, I was invited to go. We basically just talked about our callings and how we can improve them to strengthen the sisters. After THAT, Alli and I went Visiting Teaching. Or at least, attempted to. We had made appointments and everything but neither answered the door. After that, Kelly and I watched Fantasia for a bit and then I took a nap until Mary needed help with dinner. Sad to say, I was not too pleasant to be woken up to help and only did so grudgingly because Rick Kessler was there to eat dinner with us. After dinner, I came back into my room and puttered around on my lap top (for which I have yet to find a name, she’s so pretty!!) for a bit until ward prayer. After ward prayer, Kelly and I went around to visit people because we were bored as all get out.
Then Nathan Robinson came by to have a brownie. He was weird. I didn’t like it. I think like I’ve been trying to make him something he’s not. He seems like the type of guy who would make a really good go-to friend, someone to talk to when I’m having a rough day, but he’s really not like that at all. It’s weird. I really can’t figure him out. And it bothers me to no end. I feel like I’ve already invested a lot of time into making him what I want him to be only to discover that it’s completely useless. That’s not who he is and I’m only getting frustrated trying to make him that way. So I left the room after jokingly (but seriously) becoming frustrated to come back here.
My screen saver randomly runs through all of my pictures. I was watching them filter through and a bunch from high school came up. It made me really nostalgic and border-line depressed. High school was so awesome for me. I had really close, really dependable friends who were always there for me when I needed them. I never felt like I was lacking in close emotional bonds. But not now. I haven’t had that since then. And it’s not for a lack of trying either. Granted, I suppose Eric (Malmgren from 214) is pretty close. I know he really cares about me; he’s a good guy like that. It’s just that he doesn’t have a ton of time to be all buddy-buddy. He’s working really hard on who knows what and he’s really ambitious. He wants to get a masters and a doctorate and go to law school… the kid is ridiculous. It’s just not the same.
I don’t suppose I should expect it to be the same. It’s not. We’re all at different points in our lives now. This is a time where we’re supposed to be focused on what we want to do with the rest of our lives. Lucky for me, I know what I want to do. I want to get married and be a mother.
That’s all.
That’s what I was made for. That’s what I care about. That is what I was meant to do and be. I know that gaining a higher education is important and believe me, that is the only reason why I am still here at BYU. I suppose if I have to work for the rest of my life because I never get married or if my husband is suddenly unable to provide that I’ll be able to. But I don’t want to. I don’t want to work. To some, that may make me sound lazy and unambitious, but I’m not. I know that being a mother isn’t a walk in the park. I know it takes a toll on you physically, emotionally, mentally and every other –ally there is out there. But I want to be the best wife and mother I can be. I want to be able to dedicate myself fully to that calling to which I believe I’ve been called.
So you can sense my frustration. I feel like I’m just sitting here, wasting time and waiting to move on with my life. I know that isn’t the best way to look at where I am so I’m trying to fill my life with positive experiences and opportunities for learning and growth. I try, everyday, to look for what I am supposed to do with that day. Who am I supposed to talk to? What am I supposed to learn? How is today going to be applicable to the rest of my life?
Is that right? Is that how I should be looking at my current life; preparation for whatever lies ahead? Maybe. Maybe not. Some would argue that I should be living in the “now.” This is college, right? The time for trying new things, stretching your perspectives and opinions, exploring routes you’ve never seen before. Well maybe that’s not for me. The world’s expectations seriously bug.
I know what I want. Tonight, I just want to move on.
I just realized this ended very different than it started out. Sorry for the mood swing.
Posted by Julina at 1:48 AM 3 comments
Friday, January 9, 2009
Merry Christmast to ME!
So, My old Lappy (may he rest in peace) has been dying for quite some time... Ever since he fell out of the car in North Carolina when we were visiting Loralee and Taylor for Cameron's blessing. So, this happy post is coming to you LIVE from Provo, Utah from this beaut!! I'm pretty obsessed with the fact that it's red. It's basically my favorite color. Here we see that it matches my nails.
Posted by Julina at 12:01 AM 5 comments