Tuesday, January 27, 2009

I have a problem.

Every one of these shoes you see here has been purchased within the last 5 months. I don't know how it happened, but I have very suddenly become a shoe fanatic. That's 13 pairs people!! 5 months... I am, however, pleased to say that 10 of the 13 were under $25. As for the other 3, mom (or rather, dad) bought them for me. I love them, and they love me. Usually. They really don't love me if it's the first time I'm wearing them and I'm walking all over campus all day. So... yeah. I have a problem.

There is hope, however. They say the first step to recovery from an addiction is recognizing the problem. I do recognize that I am very poor and were it not for these shoes I'd be quite a bit better off financially speaking. So, no more shoes. At least for a while. I'll keep you updated on my progress.


Anonymous said...

Speaking as a recovering shopaholic... I should probably let you know that the ONLY reason I stopped buying clothes, shoes, handbags, makeup, CDs, DVDs and other miscellany every other week is that I no longer had a place to put everything, followed quickly by becoming engaged. SOo... Good luck.

Loralee said...

oooh! I like that red pair over on the right...but I bet they'd be cuter in navy. :)

Anonymous said...

Those shoes are so cute! Totally worth the investment!

Shelley said...

Aaaah, to have money for shoe vices! Enjoy your vices while you are single and without kids. Before too long you'll be wearing the same pair every day but hyperventilating over shoes for your little ones.