I just realized I haven't posted anything all week. Sad. Well, here are the updates.
My back has been feeling much better this week (knock on wood, or rather, the fake stuff my desk is made of). I do, however, have a cold. again. I seriously think I've been sick 75% of this semester. I'm not even kidding. I got it from my mom, who came up here last weekend to help Andrea and Kyle move into their new house in Springville. She was sick, so I tried to "avoid her" because I know I get sick whenever I'm within an mile radius of another sick person, but how do you avoid your loving mother, whom you never see, when she comes to visit?! Not a very realistic idea. So I've been keeping myself up coughing at night all week, thus justifying my sleeping in as well. I mean, sick people need their rest, right? I was in denial about the whole situation until Wednesday evening when I turned in my LAST PAPER OF THE SEMESTER! I thought I was going to die when it was all over, I came home and crashed. Perfect timing for finals! yay.
Also, I was talking to Casey today, and she said that I might have to get my tonsils out because I've been sick so much. I don't know what my tonsils have to do with it, but she said her aunt was really sick for a long time and had to get hers out. Does anyone really know what the deal is regarding that?
Also, I did laundry yesterday, and with my calculations, I might just make it to the end of the semester without doing anymore. How great is that?! I never have to haul my overflowing laundry basket and bottle of Tide down the stairs to the freakishly scary laundry room. ok, it's only really scary when it's like 1 in the morning, and you think you're the only one down there, but constantly hear weird noises that you should not be hearing.
Also! I've been considering getting an ipod, but I know I wouldn't need all the space, so I'm thinking about a nano. I've heard they can hold up to 2,000 songs if you get the most memory it can hold, but I don't know the cost comparison of that to the full sized ipod. Also, I don't know weather I would get green or pink. Big toss up there. So if anyone has any advise, I'm all up for hearing it.
So, are all pre-mission boys retarded, or is it just the ones that haven't been 'trained' yet? Nope, even they're pretty retarded sometimes. But I went on my 3rd ever BYU date (none of which have asked me btw, I've asked two, to help out friends, and the 3rd was a blind date) tonight. Let me say, the kid was totally "date etiquette" retarded. He called me when he got to the dorms, and when I walked out, he was just sitting in the back seat, waiting. (the driver and his date were in the front) So how was I to even know that was the right car? There were two out there and I could've gotten into the wrong one. Luckily, I chose right. I had to hold a lot of the conversation on my own. Most of the night, he talked to his cousin and brother, the other two guys, so I was left to talk to the cousin's date, who I had never met before, and the brother's wife, who I barely know, who set up the whole thing. After dinner and games, they took us home and he didn't really say anything. I said it was nice meeting him and thanks or whatever and just got out... MY HEAVENS! Is it that hard to be a gentleman, or even act the least bit interested? I compliment myself enough to say that I'm not a complete freak. NOTE to any single guys out there; when dropping a girl off, get out of the car at the very least! Tell her it was nice getting to know her, even if it is a lie, and if you have issues bringing yourself to do at least that, you have no business going on dates to begin with. It's not like you ever have to see her again if you don't want to. Well, at least I can say I had a good dinner out of the deal and I learned how to not suck 100% at darts.
Lastly, I've been looking at prom hair do's for long hair. For Karalyn, my sister, not me. I'll be home to help her get ready and I'm so excited! She got two dresses while she was here last weekend and they both look really good on her. She just needs to get herself asked now. But it sounds like there's two likely candidates, so I think we're ok.
So I've had a countdown for Harry Potter for like... a really long time on my desktop, and the other day, it finally switched so both movie and book are below 100. I took a picture today so you can see. If you're a fan, and would like to add the countdown to your desktop, go to www.mugglenet.com. It should be on the first page and under it, it says "add to your desktop" or, I've just noticed you can add it to your myspace or blog... well I think I might have to do that too. I didn't know I could before. Anyways, there you have it. I enjoy it. You might too.
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