So, when I say I'll blog soon... this is what I mean. ish. Anyways, I tried to talk in the blog with the pictures, but my computer is being retarded and wouldn't let me. Thanks. So I'll just comment on them now. I realize I haven't blogged for something like 3 weeks, and yes, shame on me, but hey... I've been busy, as we all are.
I went to Camp, which was Excellent! Wonderful! Grand... Really, I spent 90% of my time at the rappelling site. And don't get me wrong. That's pretty much the only reason I went to camp this year. So Hayley and I could pretty much run rappelling. I only brought my camera on the day my ward went... didn't really take advantage of the awesomeness, but there you have it. Last year, Hayley and I took a picture in this crevice (is that even the right word?) at the bottom of the cliff, but we never saw it, so we decided to take the same picture again this year. Please, don't look too closely. It's camp. I didn't wear makeup. Or shower for that matter. I think we'll make it a camp tradition. Also, Karalyn was pretty much awesome for only doing it, what? twice in her entire life. We raced down. Of course, I kicked her trash, but she landed oh so gracefully (being the dancer she is...). Also, I took my mom over, which was fun, but once she's up there, she's in such a rush to get back down that she forgets to look where she's putting her feet. So that was a bit of a challenge. Sister Cranor, the brand new stake camp director, had been the rappelling guide for the past 5 or 6 years, and was down at the site with us every day. I technically went as a ward leader, but that was pretty much a retarded idea because I was rarely with my ward and was helping with a stake activity the entire week... Anyways, long story short, Sister Cranor and I got to talking about it and she decided to make me a quasi stake leader half way through the week. I felt so special. Also, because of it, Hayley and I are both going to go as stake leaders next year and we're going to tent together. Or rather tent-trailer next year. Because the Golightly's have 2. Tent-trailers. K...
Also, sad story, CJ left for the MTC last week. It was such a bitter-sweet night, the night before he left. I was going to go hang out with Mike, CJ, and Chris at Mike's house, but before I knew it, they were over at my house to help me and my dad tow our dead station wagon home from Maryland and Trop. Weird way to spend Cj's last night, but there you have it. It was a lot of fun and we took a bunch of pictures at my house and ended up talking until the wee hours of the morning. I'm going to miss him so much. I already do. And it's a good thing I have Cj's leaving to "warm up" with. The hardest part is yet to come.
And I've had a cold the past week or so, in addition to my twitching eye... which has been twitching for the past 11 days. The combo has made for a fairly annoying physical condition. Luckily, I haven't noticed it twitching today, so hopefully, it's gone.
We've attempted a Harry Potter Marathon. As you know, I have finished the 6 books, yet again, in preparation for the 7th and final book. In addition to this, we (mike, Hayley, Bo and I) started the movies. We watched 1 on, what? friday night? Saturday night kind of fell through though because Bo decided to ditch out on Hayley for some random presidential campaign hooplah. So we girls had a very successful shopping trip (7 items for $60.82...) and watched a movie and ate shakes and popcorn. Then Sunday, we watched #2... not exactly sabbath worship, but hey, I'm blaming Bo. We were going to watch #3 tonight, but Mike had volleyball and it was my mom's birthday dinner, I think Bo had to work too... Still, blaming Bo. (haha I'm totally kidding) So basically, we all get to watch #3 and 4 on our own, so that's what I'm off to do once I finish this. (just 3 tonight) I'll probably end up watching it in bed on my laptop. That's sounding really appealing right now.
And let me just say, ever since Mike opened his mission call to Charleston, West Virginia, I've been on the verge of every emotional edge (nice alliteration) there is. I'm so happy for him and I know he's going to be an amazing missionary. I just know it's gonna be pretty rough. At least I'll be in a new environment a couple days after he leaves. That should make it easier. Anyways, this is it for now, I'll post again "soon".
One more night in the Grand Isla Resort 5-23-18
6 years ago
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