Tuesday, April 15, 2008

today is April 15th.

It snowed today. Boo.
And Goo.

the end


Beth said...

SNOW???? You're kidding! That's bad. When are you going to be in Vegas?

Shelley said...

YUCK! Last year I ran a half marathon in a blizzard on April 7. It should be spring by April!!!

Loralee said...

ha ha....ha...ha.

oh yeah, I love you. and feel bad for you.

Jess&Cec said...

i miss saying goo with you.

but at least i made it in your picture of the day!!

p.s. this is cecily

Loralee said...

Um...what happened to your blog? I miss it.

Loralee said...

Um, seriously...what's the deal?