I hadn't realized how long it had been since I last posted until just now. I'm in the last week of school and can't see past tomorrow. My to-do list is almost as long as my stress level is high. In fact, I had to go to the doctor last week because of what we all think is "stress-related" pain in my neck, lower back and hip. They took 5 samples of my blood and are in the process of testing it to figure out what the heck is going on. The Dr. gave me a prescription (that I have yet had time to go fill) for some generic anti-inflammatory, hoping that it will help relieve some of the pain. I should probably try to fill that sometime tonight seeing as it's my night off. I'm just hoping that something IS wrong so it can be fixed otherwise, I'll be in a fairly frustrating situation.
To Do list for the next 5 (or less) days:
1) fill the dang prescription so I can physically move.
2) finish figuring out my MaryKay tax crap; give to dad tonight cuz the tax man is coming tomorrow.
3) read article and take the online quiz for my Student Development class for tomorrow.
4) Read Mormon 1-End of BoM and answer all study questions (approximately 75) for the quiz (starting tomorrow.)
5) Find apartments to look at tomorrow morning (so I have somewhere to live next fall).
6) Watch "Amadeus" and write up a paper for Music 101.
7) Write up the report for my Service Learning experience for FofDAP.
8) Write up my 5(+) pg. Major Self-Assessment for St. Dev.
9) Research and write 2 papers for biology.
10) Go to work for 4 hours (at least 3 more nights before the end of the season).
11) Register for Fall class schedule (Monday night, midnight)
12) Solidify a summer job.
Things that should be accomplished but probably won't be:
1) Go to all of my classes in the mean time.
2) Visit teach in a good mood with a smile on my face.
3) Write back to 6 missionaries, some of whom have been waiting since February (note my guilty conscience.)
4) Set up my finals study schedule
5) Buy the Conference edition of the Ensign at the Bookstore since I was told today that having one is essential to my eternal salvation.
6) Eat three meals a day
7) Sleep 8 hours a night
Aaaanyways... I'm gonna go. I don't think blogging was very therapeutic this time.
One more night in the Grand Isla Resort 5-23-18
6 years ago
OK, B-R-E-A-T-H-E. Study and school is obviously #1 priority. Well, maybe getting the Rx filled should be #1. Missionaries will wait a week or two. No guilt needed, there. Why do you have to move next fall? Are you staying in Provo for the summer to work? If you're coming home, you can answer these questions when you get here, and come visit me! Otherwise, after finals, you can write more! Good luck. So sorry about your neck. Sounds like you need a huge, major massage. I know of a good person who does it at my hair salon. Svetlana. Calls her self Lana.
Did you know that if you do a goole search for BYU Intramurals that one of your blog posts from the fall comes up? Interesting.
Hi Julina! Oh those busy days of college! I remember those page long to do lists. What a cutie you are. I hope to see you in sunday school this summer!
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