Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Guess Where?

So my paperwork is officially in SLC. I met with my stake president on Sunday (which was good, but intense) and he basically said I’m good to go. It was a long interview too, probably about half an hour. He said there might be a slight hiccup with the mission department because of something on my medical history, so we talked about getting a letter from my doctor, just to say that I’m perfectly fine to go wherever and do whatever.
On Monday morning, I got a call from my Stake President saying that as he was entering the information from my paperwork into the computer, he read what my Bishop had said and thought about what I had said and decided that he was going to send the information in as it is. He said that I should still go ahead and try to get the letter from my doctor so that if Salt Lake needed more information that we could then send the letter in whenever I got it, but why wait if we don’t need to type of a thing. He’s going to be released in 2 weeks (he said I’m his last missionary) and wants to push this through as quickly as possible. SO, this is where I am in the whole process. I’m at the delightful stage of waiting without being able to do anything about it.
To pass the time of boredom and complete lack of anything interesting to do, I’m taking guesses on where people think I might go on this grand and exciting mission of mine. I have a map at my apartment with pins to mark the guesses. As an incentive, I’ll send the winner a really good homemade treat. (I’m a poor college kid about to go on a mission here folks, this is about the best I can do.) If you have kids, they can guess too and if they are too little to eat treats, well hey, it’s like 2 guesses for you… 2 chances to win (example, Cameron Taylor Warner is too little for sweet rolls/cookies/no bakes/brownies… So, congrats to Loralee who gets to guess twice.) Anyways, there you have it. Happy hypothesizing.


Sara said...

That is so exciting Julina! My guess is.. Nauvoo, IL.

Brandon, Mandy and Benson said...

What!? I didn't even know you were doing this! Congrats, I'm so excited for you! Brandon guesses Nebraska (random huh), and I guess somewhere in England. Can't wait for my baked goods!

Danny said...



Loralee said...

Um...even if Cameron won, no one in this household is ever going to eat nobakes...ew. But since Cameron's got the lucky guess, he says he'll take some carmel brownies.
Cameron's guess: New Zealand. (He says that if you meet PJ you have to get his autograph and tell him that you're his biggest fan.)
Loralee's guess: Raleigh, NC.

Tana said...

Hey Julina! This is so exciting!
Okay! Hallie guesses Italy. Bronson guesses Alaska. I (Tana) will go with...Mexico! How do you feel about speaking Spanish, because I'm pretty sure that I'm right on this one.:-) Anywhere you go will be awesome!

Brianne & Jarod said...

Ohhh...I am SO EXCITED for you! I can't wait to hear where you are going! My guess is BRAZIL! (one of the Sao Paulo)

Mark & Bek said...

New Zealand. Woo Woo girl, I am so proud of you. Oh, I just saw that Cameron Warner guessed that too. So, how about Los Angeles

Kacy said...

Kacy's guess: Salt Lake City - Temple Square
Hailey's guess: Canada
Ryan's Guess: New York
We are so excited for you!!!

JGEM said...

Justin: Czech Republic
E: Says Orem, on her own, with no prompting (I think it's the only place she knows).
M: New York City
I say, Romania.

So, there you have it.

Dianna Wyson said...

Congrats Julina,
i was talking to your dad the other day ata missionary fireside, he had to come over and tell me the big news.... I think you are going to Rochester, NY incl the sites... the best place on the planet ;)

Loralee said...

Taylor says Tacoma, Washington

Beth said...

Spain. Definitely Spain.

The Sorensens said...

Mike's Guess: Philly, YEAH!
Christina's Guess: Kentucky (so you can convert all Nate & Liz's friends)
Ava's Guess: Hawaii!!!
Ezra's Guess: Chicago

SO glad I have two kids!!! Hoping I get the treats!

Kathy said...

Congrats Julina! I say you are off on a fabulous adventure to Guatamala!

Tyson and Dawn Jolley said...

Oh my gosh Julina! Wow, we havent talked in forever, I had no idea you were going on a mission. I am so happy for you! I will guess that you'll go to the Phillipines :) Good Luck lady!

Loralee said...

Can I change my guess? I'm having second thoughts... I say you are going to Chile!

Chris said...

I guess Italy. And if that doesn't work then I say Carlsbad. :-)